A documentary story
The author: Golubtsova Olga Valentinovna
This book is the first in the series “Cruel Fates” which is to contain two more stories: “Life After Life” (about the fate of Marina Prusakova-Oswald, the Russian wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, the US President John Kennedy’s assassin) and “Light а candle…” (a relative title – about Xenia Gemp, the last Bestuzhev Courses graduate in Russia)
Introduction Fragments Of Destinies
Chapter 1: Sergeant Bill’s Postbag
Chapter 2: Crazy about Interclubs
Chapter 3 “Little” Vera And Yasha
Chapter 4: A Lord From the Banks Of the Dvina
Chapter 5: Valentina Iyevleva And Her One Hundred Englishmen
Chapter 6 : Peter + Lyudmila = Parting And Separation
Chapter 7: “Secret Service Agent” Tonya
Chapter 8: Land Of Our Fathers, the City of Glasgow
Chapter 9: Tears Of Wartime Love
Chapter 10: Parrots By Torchlight: Memories Of a Customs Officer
Chapter 11: Seamen’s Journey “Through the Looking-Glass”
Chapter 12: A Dramatic Turnaround!
Chapter 13: A Ringlet From the Year 1943
Издатель: “Lotsiya” Literary and Publishing Centre.
Год издания: 2016.
Формат 60х84/16. 224стр.
Тираж 1000 экз.
ISBN 978-5-905810-99-2